function swap_viewer_creator(div2){ var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var IP = default_ip(); var div = document.getElementById("swap_viewer"); if(!(div)){ div = div2; if(!(div2)){ return(0); }; }; var display = document.createElement("p"); div.appendChild(display); var offer = text_input("signed offer: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var view_button = button_maker2("view swap offer", view); div.appendChild(view_button); div.appendChild(br()); var amount_to_match_input = text_input("amount to buy: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var accept_button = button_maker2("accept swap offer", function(){ display.innerHTML = "load an offer before you can accept it."; }); div.appendChild(accept_button); div.appendChild(br()); async function view(){ var X = JSON.parse(offer.value); var Y = swaps.unpack(X); var now =[1]; var contract1, contract2; console.log(offer.value); console.log(JSON.stringify(Y)); var original_limit_order_size =; var available_to_match; //var TID = hash.doit(65 bytes of pubkey, then 32 bytes of salt) // var TID = btoa(array_to_string(hash( // string_to_array( // atob(Y.acc1)) // .concat(string_to_array( // atob(Y.salt)))))); var TID = swaps.id_maker(Y.acc1, Y.salt); console.log(TID); var trade = await rpc.apost(["trades", TID]) console.log(trade); if(trade === 0){ available_to_match = original_limit_order_size; } else { available_to_match = original_limit_order_size - trade[2]; }; if(Y.cid1 == btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32)))){ contract1 = "veo"; }else{ //contract1 = Y.cid1 // .concat(" type ") // .concat(Y.type1); contract1 = await contract_text( Y.cid1, Y.type1); } if(Y.cid2 == btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32)))){ //currency 2 is the kind that you need to send. So this is the only type you could ever need to make the contract for. contract2 = "veo"; update_display(Y, now, contract1, contract2, available_to_match, original_limit_order_size); return(view2([], X, Y, original_limit_order_size, available_to_match)); }else{ contract2 = await contract_text( Y.cid2, Y.type2); } update_display(Y, now, contract1, contract2, available_to_match, original_limit_order_size); maybe_make_contracts(Y.cid2, [], function(txs){ view2(txs, X, Y, original_limit_order_size, available_to_match); }); //}); }; async function contract_text(cid, type) { var contract = await rpc.apost( ["read", 3, cid], IP, 8090); if((contract[0] === "scalar") && (contract[6] === 0) &&//priced in veo (contract[3] === 1)//binary contract ){ var win_string; if(type === 1){ win_string = "veo if this is true: " } else { win_string = "veo if this is false: " } return(win_string .concat(atob(contract[1]))); } else { var s = "contract: " .concat(cid) .concat(" type: ") .concat(type); return(s); }; }; async function maybe_make_contracts(cid, Txs, callback) { if(cid == "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="){ return(callback(Txs)); }; var Contract = await merkle.arequest_proof("contracts", cid); if(!(Contract === "empty")){ return(callback(Txs)); } var z = await rpc.apost(["read", 3, cid], explore_swap_offer.ip_get, 8090); if(z[0] == "scalar"){ console.log("is scalar "); //{Text, Height, MaxPrice, Now} var tx = new_scalar_contract.make_tx(atob(z[1]), parseInt(z[3]), z[5], parseInt(z[6])); return(maybe_make_contracts(tx[5], [tx].concat(Txs), callback)); } else if (z[0] === "contract"){ //contract hash is not in the buy_veo_contract. var oracle_start_height = z[5]; var blockchain = z[6]; var amount = z[7]; var ticker = z[8]; var date = z[9]; var TID = z[10]; var address_timeout = z[4]; var reusable_settings = buy_veo_contract.reusable_settings(oracle_start_height, blockchain, amount, ticker, date); var settings = buy_veo_contract.settings(reusable_settings, address_timeout, 1, TID); var contract1bytes = buy_veo_contract.contract1bytes(settings); var contract_hash = btoa(array_to_string(hash(contract1bytes))); var tx = buy_veo_contract.new_contract_tx(contract_hash); return(maybe_make_contracts(tx[5], [tx].concat(Txs), callback)); } else { display.innerHTML = "

You need to teach the server about this contract before you can bet on it. Use the teach scalar contract tool.

"; return(0); }; }; function view2(txs, X, Y, original_limit_order_size, available_to_match) { //txs is the new_contracts parts. //swap_txs is the contract_use_txs accept_button.onclick = function(){ var amount_to_match = Math.round(parseFloat(amount_to_match_input.value, 10) * token_units()); if(!amount_to_match){ display.innerHTML = "

You need to choose how much you want to buy

"; return(0); } var A1 = Math.round(Y.amount1 * available_to_match / original_limit_order_size); if (amount_to_match > A1){ display.innerHTML = "

that is more than everything that is available to buy. There is only " .concat(A1.toString()) .concat(" available, so you cannot buy ") .concat(amount_to_match.toString()) .concat("

") .concat(""); return(0); }; var matched_parts = Math.round(available_to_match * amount_to_match / A1); var signed_offer = X; swaps.make_tx(signed_offer, matched_parts, async function(swap_txs){ txs = txs.concat(swap_txs); var tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); console.log(JSON.stringify(tx)); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var response = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = response; if(!(response === "server rejected the tx")){ if(Y.type1 === 0){//only if you are paying veo for a subcurrency that is priced in veo. var offer99 = swaps.accept_99(Y); var signed_offer = swaps.pack(offer99); var response = await rpc.apost( ["add", signed_offer, 0], IP, 8090); console.log(JSON.stringify(offer99)); console.log(response); }; }; }); }; }; function update_display(Y, now, contract1, contract2, available_to_match, original_limit_order_size){ console.log(JSON.stringify([available_to_match, original_limit_order_size])); console.log(JSON.stringify(Y)); var A1 = Math.round(Y.amount1 * available_to_match / original_limit_order_size) / token_units(); var A2 = Math.round(Y.amount2 * available_to_match / original_limit_order_size) / token_units(); amount_to_match_input.value = A1.toString(); var warning = ""; if(original_limit_order_size === 1){ warning = "

You must either match all of this limit order, or none of it. It cannot be partially matched.

"; } else if (original_limit_order_size < 100000){ warning = "

Warning: this limit order can only be matched in unusually large chunks. This may be a trick to get you to trade at a bad price.

"; } if(Y.acc1 ==={ display.innerHTML = "

this is an offer that you made. it expires in " .concat(Y.end_limit - now) .concat(" blocks.

you lose: ") .concat(A1) .concat(" of ") .concat(contract1) .concat("

you gain: ") .concat(A2) .concat(" of ") .concat(contract2) .concat("

"); var cancel_button = button_maker2("cancel offer", function(){ return(cancel_offer(Y.salt))}); display.appendChild(cancel_button); } else { display.innerHTML = "

expires in " .concat(Y.end_limit - now) .concat(" blocks.

you gain: ") .concat(A1) .concat(" of ") .concat(contract1) .concat("

you lose: ") .concat(A2) .concat(" of ") .concat(contract2) .concat("

") .concat(warning) .concat(""); }; }; var fee = 200000; async function cancel_offer(salt){ var tx = ["trade_cancel_tx",, 2000000, fee, salt]; var stx = keys.sign(tx); //post_txs([stx], function(x){ var x = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = x; return(0); }; return({offer: function(x) {offer.value = x}, view: view}) }; var swap_viewer = swap_viewer_creator();