(function(){ var fee = 152050; var div = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(div); var status = document.createElement("p"); status.innerHTML = "status: ready"; div.appendChild(status); var oid_element = text_input("oid: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var button = button_maker2("close the oracle", function(){ return make_bet(oid_element.value); }); div.appendChild(button); div.appendChild(br()); async function make_bet(oid) { var from = keys.pub(); var acc = await rpc.apost(["account", from]); var nonce = acc[2] + 1; var tx = ["oracle_close", from, nonce, fee, oid]; var stx = keys.sign(tx); var txs = [stx]; var x = await rpc.apost(["txs", [-6].concat(txs)]); status.innerHTML = "status: successfully attempted to make a oracle_close tx."; return 0; }; })();