//interfaces for scalar and binary oracles.
//OID = api:new_question_oracle(Start, Question).
//OID = api:new_governance_oracle(GovName, GovAmount).
//OID = api:new_scalar_oracle(Start, Question, 10).
//["oracle_new", from, nonce, fee, question, start, id, difficulty, governance, governance_amount] //difficulty unused
var fee = 152050;
var div = document.createElement("div");
var sb_title = document.createElement("h3");
sb_title.innerHTML = "scalar/binary oracle";
var explanation = document.createElement("p");
explanation.innerHTML = "If you want to make a stablecoin, you need to ask for the price of X in VEO. Asking for the price of VEO in X does not work. Scalar oracles cost as much as 10 binary oracles.";
var status = document.createElement("p");
status.innerHTML = "status: ready";
var starts = text_input("the result that this oracle should have will be knowable by block height: ", div);
glossary.link(div, "oracle_starts");
var question = text_input("question: ", div);
glossary.link(div, "oracle_question");
var binary = button_maker2("binary oracle", function(){
return new_question_oracle(parseInt(starts.value), question.value);
glossary.link(div, "binary_oracle");
var scalar = button_maker2("scalar oracle", function(){
return new_scalar_oracle(parseInt(starts.value), question.value, 1, function(){return 0;});
glossary.link(div, "scalar_oracle");
var make_id = button_maker2("generate ID", function(){
return make_id2(parseInt(starts.value), question.value);
glossary.link(div, "oracle_id");
var gov_title = document.createElement("h3");
gov_title.innerHTML = "new governance oracle";
var chart = document.createElement("p");
chart.innerHTML = "Costs 0.33 VEO
1: block reward, 2: developer reward, 3: max block size, 4: block period, 5: time gas, 6: space gas, 7: function limit, 8: variable limit, 9: governance change limit, 10: oracle initial liquidity, 11: minimum oracle time, 12: maximum oracle time, 13: maximum question size, 14: create account tx, 15: spend tx, 17: new channel, 18: channel team close, 19: channel solo close, 20: channel timeout, 21: channel slash, 23: oracle new, 24: oracle_bet, 25: oracle close, 26: oracle unmatched, 27: oracle winnings, 28: oracle question liquidity";
gov_id = text_input("id of governance variable to change", div);
gov_amount = text_input("how far to change the governance variable by in the range [1,50]", div);
var gov_button = button_maker2("make governance oracle", gov_maker);
var amoveo_futarchy_title = document.createElement("h3");
amoveo_futarchy_title.innerHTML = "amoveo governance futarchy oracle";
var futarchy_starts = text_input("futarchy outcome is decided by block: ", div);
var futarchy_bets_resolve = text_input("measure impact of futarchy decision on price at block: ", div);
var futarchy_price = text_input("the price of VEO in USD half-way between where it would be if we make each of the alternative futarchy decisions:", div);
var futarchy_goal = text_input("the futarchy decision being made. example: 'the block reward is more than 0.1 veo'", div);
var futarchy_button = button_maker2("amoveo governance futarchy oracle", governance_futarchy_oracle);
async function governance_futarchy_oracle() {
var acc = await merkle.arequest_proof("accounts", keys.pub());
var nonce = acc[2]+1;
var start = parseInt(futarchy_bets_resolve.value);
var fs = parseInt(futarchy_starts.value);
var fg = futarchy_goal.value;
var p = Math.floor((1 / parseFloat(futarchy_price.value)) * token_units());
var p2 = p*2;
//if the block reward on 21 July at noon GMT is above 0.15 return 'bad', else { A = the price of USD in VEO from 0 to 0.3 on 21 July at noon GMT; B = the price of USD in Veo from 0 to 0.3 on 21 August at noon GMT; return ((0.15 - A + B) * 1024 / 0.3)}
var common = ", else { A = the price of USD in VEO-satoshis from 0 to ".concat(p2.toString()).concat(" at block ").concat(fs.toString()).concat("; B = the price of USD in VEO-satoshis from 0 to ").concat(p2.toString()).concat(" at block ").concat(start.toString()).concat("; return ((").concat(p.toString()).concat(" - A + B) * 1024 / ").concat(p2.toString()).concat(")}");
var question1 = "if ".concat(fg).concat(" return 'bad'").concat(common);
var question2 = "if it is not the case that ".concat(fg).concat(" return 'bad'").concat(common);;
new_scalar_oracle(start, question1, 1, function(){
return new_scalar_oracle(start, question2, 11, function(){return 0;});
function make_id2(start, question) {
var id = id_maker(start, 0, 0, question);
var rest = "start: ".concat((start).toString()).concat("
question: ").concat(question);
status.innerHTML = "status: successfully generated the id: ".concat(id).concat("
Save the red data, you need it when creating the oracle on-chain:
async function new_scalar_oracle(start, question, n, callback) {
var acc = await merkle.arequest_proof("accounts", keys.pub());
var id = id_maker(start, 0, 0, question);
var nonce = acc[2]+n;
var ks = scalar_keys(id, start).reverse();
var txs = new_scalar_oracle2(question, start, ks, nonce, id, 9);
var x = await rpc.apost(["txs", [-6].concat(txs)]);
status.innerHTML = "status: successfully attempted to make a scalar oracle with id: ".concat(id).concat("");
return callback();
function new_scalar_oracle2(question, start, ks, nonce, id, many) {
if (ks.length == 0) {return [];}
var s;
if (many == 0) {
s = question;
x2 = id;
} else {
s = question_maker(id, many);
console.log("question maker");
x2 = id_maker(start, 0, 0, s);
var x = ks[0];
if (!(x == x2)) {
return 0;
var tx = ["oracle_new", keys.pub(), nonce, Math.round(fee*1.1), btoa(s), start, x, 0, 0, 0];
var stx = keys.sign(tx);
return ([stx]).concat(new_scalar_oracle2(question, start, ks.slice(1), nonce+1, id, many-1));
async function gov_maker() {
var giv = parseInt(gov_id.value);
if ((giv < 1) || (giv > 28)) {
status.innerHTML = "status: invalid gov value";
return 0;
var ga = parseInt(gov_amount.value);
if (ga < 1) {
status.innerHTML = "status: invalid gov amount";
return 0;
var question = "";
var start = 0;
var acc = await merkle.arequest_proof("accounts", keys.pub());
var nonce = acc[2]+1;
var id = id_maker(start, giv, ga, question);
var tx = ["oracle_new", keys.pub(), nonce, fee, btoa(question), start, id, 0, giv, ga];
var stx = keys.sign(tx);
var x = await rpc.apost(["txs", [-6, stx]]);
status.innerHTML = "status: successfully attempted to make a binary oracle with OID: ".concat(id).concat("");
return 0;
async function new_question_oracle(start, question) {
var acc = await merkle.arequest_proof("accounts", keys.pub());
var nonce = acc[2]+1;
var id = id_maker(start, 0, 0, question);
var tx = ["oracle_new", keys.pub(), nonce, fee, btoa(question), start, id, 0, 0, 0];
var stx = keys.sign(tx);
var x = await rpc.apost(["txs", [-6, stx]]);
status.innerHTML = "status: successfully attempted to make a binary oracle with OID: ".concat(id).concat("");
return 0;