function headers_main() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var mode = urlParams.get('mode'); if (mode == "test") { mode = "test"; server_port.value = "3010"; console.log(server_ip.value); if (server_ip.value == "") { server_ip.value = ""; } } else if (mode == "testnet") { mode = "testnet"; server_port.value = "8070"; if (server_ip.value == "") { server_ip.value = default_ip(); } } else { mode = "production"; server_port.value = "8080"; if (server_ip.value == "") { server_ip.value = default_ip(); } } var forks; var retarget_frequency; var top_header; var headers_db = {};//store valid headers by hash var INITIAL_DIFFICULTY; var headers_batch = 5000; var wallet_text = document.createElement("div"); wallet_text.innerHTML = "Downloading blockchain data"; document.body.appendChild(wallet_text); if (mode == "test") { INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = 10; retarget_frequency = 12; forks = {two: 0, four: 0,//retarget_frequency, seven:40, twenty_nine:0}; top_header = ["header",0,"EuHDPKNFIssuIzj/5JLlFpYzN4gxjy/Lf3M3DqsSuMg=","IhPtKy1WnuMs7c2swYfGlRJCWemrO/PudN5KURFtvz8=","K0UqsznYaaLOg/dmt2RP6VQvJunF7ofzw6EaMUiTgpU=",0,10,2,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=",0,5]; write_header(top_header, 0); } else if (mode == "testnet") { INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = 2500; retarget_frequency = 12; forks = {two: 0, four: retarget_frequency, seven:40, twenty_nine:0}; top_header = ["header",10000,"PzAka1LatHpj7zhwY098sM9XaE4Vv+stjmUMWB21Md8=","9169gcVs1KQ/Kvcf0bRkeZfsjAjQ56kdlrwr3auML7Y=","JMgF+lUkTB2r37qrGG1B2SiS2h/bjdUO72jItcXdXLY=",304286457,6159,0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAFtXjnSwuMUTSTMmhbVNcvjZY3xZXv08=",230706923204,746]; write_header(top_header, 21003884); } else { INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = 8844; retarget_frequency = 2000; forks = {two: 9000, four: 26900, seven:28135, twenty_nine:104600}; //top_header = 0; //top_header = ["header", 115963, "eMIChQ5lvwYTBsmuU+PSGfJ+yk7JHmUiDmJ05PWlUiY=", "rGvO+mDwjUMXhuM2SVZjhEoEBg8mhYcooUAHWgHG/TY=", "87WiCyA+8TwizOcBK1A543qwcjJ/REG8A449miIMDio=", 709357581, 13175, 3, "AAAAAAAAAAAAE+LxcAx88O3ofi2qtCeQshzdqA0AAAA=", 2.3261311366047874e+21, 5982]; var ls_check = localStorage.getItem("ls_top_header"); if(ls_check){ var ls_check2 = JSON.parse(ls_check); top_header = ls_check2[0]; write_header(top_header, ls_check2[1]); } else { console.log("writing top header"); //top_header = ["header", 130700, "yClicPvrQ4Ul5sk4hbsrJ62drzli1tue/mf8TYW2dZU=", "Dq6o8Xg3qiUVzMpzXkKijFtlhFd66KQlw2qiN8x37KI=", "bZM+MzTkULo4gzZ8hBlZLqTfWDmvxCnSL684GZSFCn8=", 803559907, 13378, 3, "AAAAAAAAAAAAB4P1tQgLilI01L0VFKSUOcygSIIAAAA=", 2.3808044578490653e+21, 5982]; reset_headers(); }; //to find the ewah headers_object.read_ewah(hash(headers_object.serialize(; } //var top_header = 0;//stores the valid header with the most accumulated work. //var top_hash = hash(serialize_header(top_header)); //headers_db[top_hash] = top_header; var top_diff = 0;//accumulative difficulty of top if(configure["more_headers_button"]){ var button = button_maker2("sync with network", function() { //wallet_text.innerHTML = "Downloading blockchain data"; return more_headers(); }); document.body.appendChild(button); } function auto_sync_headers(){ setTimeout(function(){ more_headers(); }, 1000); setTimeout(function(){ auto_sync_headers() }, 60000); }; auto_sync_headers(); //more_headers() function write_header(header, ewah) { console.log("write header"); var acc_difficulty = header[9]; //if ((acc_difficulty > top_diff) || ((mode == "test")&&((top_header == 0) || (header[1] > top_header[1])))) { if ((acc_difficulty > top_header[9]) || ((mode == "test")&&((top_header == 0) || (header[1] > top_header[1])))) { console.log("higher than top"); top_diff = acc_difficulty; top_header = header; //console.log("write_header current height"); wallet_text.innerHTML = "Current height: " + header[1]; wallet_text.appendChild( button_maker2("resync headers", function(){ reset_headers(); })); } console.log([[acc_difficulty, top_diff], [header[1], top_header[1]]]); h = hash(serialize_header(header)); headers_db[h] = [header, ewah]; localStorage.setItem("ls_top_header", JSON.stringify([header, ewah])); } function read_ewah(hash) { if (headers_db[hash]) { return headers_db[hash][1]; } else { return undefined; } } function read_header(hash) { if (headers_db[hash]) { return headers_db[hash][0]; } else { return undefined; } } function list_to_uint8(l) { var array = new Uint8Array(l.length); for (var i=0; i forks.four) { x = height % Math.floor(RF / 2); } else { x = height % RF; } var PrevEWAH = read_ewah(hash); var EWAH = calc_ewah(NextHeader, header, PrevEWAH); if (height > { return [new_target(header, EWAH), EWAH]; //console.log("working here"); //return 0; } else if ( ( x == 0 ) && (! (height < 10) )) { return [difficulty_should_be2(header), EWAH]; } else { return [Diff, EWAH]; } } } function reset_headers() { console.log("reset headers"); top_header = ["header",276531,"dSzACGhNFY0Sjnwj3dpaQCvzFM5MJfK1MI0RmtDVTlY=","hTdhbf+xdg+ZV8R2hgRu7khOCWpbZ1DBtocIPr9n0AA=","MrLgXG9GY4ARAHZY6KAtV+yc7O0RkM/v9PcWqRjjyt8=",1744369729,12234,3,"AAAAAAAAAAAAWRG+zQAAAADH8WmoAAAAAACphAAAaDQ=",2.776916678648946e+21,5982]; top_diff = top_header[9]; write_header(top_header, 34596086075867); wallet_text.innerHTML = "Current height: " + top_header[1]; wallet_text.appendChild( button_maker2("resync headers", function(){ reset_headers(); })); more_headers(); }; function new_target(header, EWAH0) { //console.log(EWAH0); var EWAH = bigInt.max(EWAH0, 1); var diff = header[6]; var hashes = sci2int(diff); var estimate = bigInt.max(1, hashes.times(hashrate_converter()).divide(EWAH)).toJSNumber(); //console.log("estimate is "); //console.log(estimate);//1670 //console.log("EWAH is "); //console.log(EWAH);//1670 //console.log("diff is "); //console.log(diff);//1670 var P = header[10]; var UL = Math.floor(P * 6 / 4); var LL = Math.floor(P * 3 / 4); var ND = diff; if (estimate > UL) { ND = pow_recalculate(diff, UL, estimate); } else if (estimate < LL) { ND = pow_recalculate(diff, LL, estimate); } return Math.max(ND, INITIAL_DIFFICULTY); } function retarget2(header, n, ts) { var t = header[5]; ts.push(t); //var height = header[1]; //if ((height == 0) || (n == 0)) { if (n == 0) { return {"header":header, "times":ts}; } else { var prev_hash = string_to_array(atob(header[2])); var prev_header = read_header(prev_hash);//headers_db[prev_hash]; return retarget2(prev_header, n-1, ts); } } function median(l) { l.sort(function(a, b) {return a - b;}); var half = Math.floor(l.length / 2); return l[half]; } function difficulty_should_be2(header) { var period = header[10]; var f = Math.floor(retarget_frequency / 2); //constants:retarget frequencey is 2000 var a1 = retarget2(header, f - 1, []); var times1 = a1.times; var header2000 = a1.header; var a2 = retarget2(header2000, f - 1, []); var times2 = a2.times; var m1 = median((times1).reverse().slice(1)); var m10 = median((times1).reverse().slice(0)); var m2 = median((times2).reverse());//628500 var tbig = m1 - m2; var t0 = Math.floor(tbig / f);//limit to 700 seconds var t = Math.min(t0, Math.floor(period * 7 / 6));//upper limit of 16.66% decrease in difficulty. var old_diff = header2000[6]; var nt = pow_recalculate( old_diff, period, Math.max(1, t));//current estimated block time var done = Math.max(nt, INITIAL_DIFFICULTY); return done;//initial difficulty } function pow_recalculate(oldDiff, t, bottom) { var old = sci2int(oldDiff); var n = old.times(t).divide(bottom); var d = int2sci(n); return Math.max(1, d); } function log2(x) { if (x.eq(0)) { return 1; } else if (x.eq(1)) { return 1; } else { return 1 + log2(x.divide(2))} } function exponent(a, b) {//a is type bigint. b is an int. if (b == 0) { return bigInt(1); } else if (b == 1) { return a; } else if ((b % 2) == 0) {return exponent(a.times(a), Math.floor(b / 2)); } else {return a.times(exponent(a, b-1)); } } function sci2int(x) { function pair2int(l) { var b = l.pop(); var a = l.pop(); var c = exponent(bigInt(2), a);//c is a bigint return c.times((256 + b)).divide(256); } function sci2pair(i) { var a = Math.floor(i / 256); var b = i % 256; return [a, b]; } return pair2int(sci2pair(x)); } function int2sci(x) { function pair2sci(l) { var b = l.pop(); var a = l.pop(); return (256 * a) + b; } function int2pair(x) { var a = log2(x) - 1; var c = exponent(bigInt(2), a); var b = x.times(256).divide(c).minus(256).toJSNumber(); return [a, b]; } return pair2sci(int2pair(x)); } function check_pow(header) { //calculate Data, a serialized version of this header where the nonce is 0. var height = header[1]; //if (height < 1) { return [true, 1000000]; } if (height < 1) { return [true, 1]; } else { var prev_hash = string_to_array(atob(header[2])); var diff0L = difficulty_should_be(header, prev_hash); var diff0 = diff0L[0]; var EWAH = diff0L[1]; var diff = header[6]; if (diff == diff0) { var nonce = atob(header[8]); var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(header)); data[8] = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var s1 = serialize_header(data); var h1 = hash(hash(s1)); var foo, h2, I; if (height > (forks.two - 1)) { var nonce2 = nonce.slice(-23), foo = h1.concat(string_to_array(nonce2)); h2 = hash(foo); I = newhash2integer(h2); } else { foo = h1.concat( integer_to_array(diff, 2)).concat( string_to_array(nonce)); h2 = hash(foo); I = hash2integer(h2); } return [I > diff, EWAH]; } else { console.log("bad diff"); console.log(diff);//on header console.log(diff0);//should have been console.log(diff0L); //says "unknown parent." return [false, 0]; } } } //function hashrate_converter() { return 1048576; } function hashrate_converter() { return 1024; } function calc_ewah(header, prev_header, prev_ewah0) { var prev_ewah = bigInt.max(1, prev_ewah0); //console.log("prev_ewah: "); //console.log((prev_ewah).toJSNumber()); var DT = header[5] - prev_header[5]; //maybe check that the header's time is in the past. var Hashrate0 = bigInt.max( bigInt(1), bigInt(hashrate_converter()) .times(sci2int(prev_header[6])).divide(DT)); var N = 20; var Converter = prev_ewah.times(1024000); var EWAH2 = Converter.times((N - 1)).divide(prev_ewah); var EWAH0 = (Converter.divide(Hashrate0)).add(EWAH2); var ewah = Converter.times(N).divide(EWAH0).toJSNumber(); return ewah; } function absorb_headers(h) { console.log("absorb_headers"); console.log(h); var get_more = false; for (var i = 1; i < h.length; i++ ) { console.log("absorb headers loop"); var bl = check_pow(h[i]); var b = bl[0]; var ewah = bl[1]; if ( b ) { console.log("good header\n"); var header = h[i]; var height = header[1]; var header_hash = hash(serialize_header(header)); if ( height == 0 ) { header[9] = 0;//accumulative difficulty } else { var prev_hash = string_to_array(atob(header[2])); var prev_header = read_header(prev_hash); prev_ac = prev_header[9]; diff = header[6]; var ac = sci2int(diff); header[9] = prev_ac + ac - 1; } if (!(header_hash in headers_db)) { get_more = true; } console.log("writing good header\n"); console.log([header, ewah]); write_header(header, ewah);} else { console.log("bad pow on header"); console.log(JSON.stringify(h[i])); } } if (get_more) { more_headers(); } else { console.log("absorb headers current height"); console.log(top_header); wallet_text.innerHTML = "Current height: " + top_header[1]; wallet_text.appendChild( button_maker2("resync headers", function(){ reset_headers(); })); keys.update_balance(); } } async function more_headers() { console.log("more headers"); var n; if ( top_header == 0 ) { n = 0; } else { n = top_header[1]; } //console.log([headers_batch+1, n]); var x = await rpc.apost(["headers", headers_batch + 1, n+1]); absorb_headers(x); } function serialize_header(x) { var height = x[1]; //4 bytes var prev_hash = atob(x[2]); //bin var trees_hash = atob(x[3]); //bin var txs_proof_hash = atob(x[4]); //bin var time = x[5]; //4 bytes var difficulty = x[6]; // 3 bytes var version = x[7]; // 2 bytes var nonce = atob(x[8]); // 32 bytes var period = x[10]; var y = string_to_array(prev_hash); return y .concat(integer_to_array(height, 4)) .concat(integer_to_array(time, 5)) .concat(integer_to_array(version, 2)) .concat(string_to_array(trees_hash)) .concat(string_to_array(txs_proof_hash)) .concat(integer_to_array(difficulty, 2)) .concat(string_to_array(nonce)) .concat(integer_to_array(period, 2)); } function hash_test() { console.log(hash([1,4,6,1,2,3,4,4])); var z = integer_to_array(1000, 4); var s = array_to_string(z); var a = atob("AAAD6A=="); var g = string_to_array(a); var f = string_to_array(s); console.log(JSON.stringify(a)); console.log(JSON.stringify(s)); console.log(JSON.stringify(g)); console.log(JSON.stringify(f)); console.log(JSON.stringify(hash(g))); console.log(JSON.stringify(hash(f))); } async function header_test() { var x = await rpc.apost(["headers", 10, 0]); header_test2(x); } function header_test2(hl) { console.log(hl); absorb_headers(hl); } function on_height_change(callback) { var h = top_header[1]; return on_height_change2(h, callback); } function on_height_change2(h, callback) { var h2 = top_header[1]; if (h2 > h) { return callback(); } return setTimeout(function() { return on_height_change2(h, callback), 1000}); } function test() { console.log(sci2int(2000));//should be 232 console.log(int2sci(2000));//should be 2804 console.log(sci2int(int2sci(2000)));// should be 2000 } return {more_headers: more_headers, sci2int: sci2int, serialize: serialize_header, top: (function() { return top_header; }), db: headers_db, read_ewah: read_ewah, on_height_change: on_height_change, forks: forks}; } var headers_object = headers_main();